The Last thing I remember (Fiction)

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I was in my office Sipping on my coffee, just sitting there planning my whole day, when I suddenly blacked out. Later, as I come to, I woke up in what appears to be a dark, and abandoned warehouse. Of course, I panicked, and was scared. I had Absolutely No recollection of how I even got here. So, as I started to talk myself down into Calming myself down, I sat there and thought to myself, what is the last thing that I remember??? At first, I had No clue, It appears I had a slight case of amnesia. As I sat there, that's when some parts of my memory slowly started to return. Okay, let's see, I was in my office, okay, thus far, I remember that!!! I was planning out my day, okay. OH wait a minute, I had a cup of coffee, which I was taking sips from, then suddenly I wake up here!!! In this dark, and cold warehouse. don't think that....maybe.... someone may have slipped something in my coffee???? Well, the back of my head isn't tender, so I don't think someone slipped behind me, and suddenly knock me out????? Well I don't think!!! As I am siting there trying to figure out How'd I wound up here, so many thoughts just flooded my mind. Is this for some kind of rasom??? Is someone out for my neck?? Are they trying to have me murdered?? Are they trying to do away with me?? I'm not sure what it is!!!! Why am I the one being HELD HOSTAGE??? What About ENEMIES??? Is someone after me??? I don't deserve this, I am a renowned surgeon known all over, a top-notch surgeon to be Exact!!!! So, what is this about???? I must get to the bottom of this!!!! Someone please HELP ME!!!!! I'M BEING HELD AGAINST MY WILL!!! without ANY CLUE!!!! All I know is that, being in my office, is the last thing that I remember!!!! B.R. Date: 08/11/2023

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