Tis the rose

views: 208

off limits by the thorn
until trust grows
and friendship born.


Yea, i enjoy written word, but prefer being oral!

Non verbal aural, banal, carnal, doggerel, feral, gonadal, hormonal, integral, lyrical, musical, nasal, quizzical, ad naw z yum al....


What whets ur whistle? Turns u on? Sparks a fire? Rips ur spare ribs? Tickles yar twat?


The following message brought to you by x-lax, i mean sex lax!

This just a fantasy, which could be brought into reality by the wave of my hard to find little wand!


Now where the f..K did that prick go!


Did u happen to see a smallish cocky fella, wearing a fleshy Helmet?


If yes, could you contact me - ideally by text.




We readily agree to meet at some unspecified secluded place i.e. the nearest approximation to a bono fide soundless as a edenic garden, and point in time (ideally the comfortable surface of your adequately sized deep purple colored bed) and immediately find some animal magnetism to explore yar southern hemisphere - tropical hot bushy chained with kinks zone.


Imagine thenceforth that the two of us experience a sense of equipoise at first blush to liberate the locked libido with libations from inxs of lascivious lovemaking.


One of us would take the initiative (not at the same moment of course) to reach out to give that icebreaker in the form of a hug and then kiss! Lips coalesce into a fusion of warm wet flesh.

This initial contact could ideally take us down and up the desirable (in my viewpoint) and slippery YouTube shaped tubular slope of giddy ecstasy.

While fingers intertwine with the fingers of the other (akin to UN-spooling a skein of tangled and twisted yarn) two lips create an oral tango and also create some complex hair weave with our mouths.


Tongues take respective turns first following than leading in this free form of some discrete french promenade.


A changing of the rite guard commences whereby scrutiny via Braille adopted to roam freely and unfettered across the southern erogenous fertile zones.


Manual dexterity (even in the pitch dark) quickly unclasps the encumbrances of your outer garments before undressing casual and loosely fitting clothing in quick succession.


Though the room offers absolutely no visible light (akin to being lodged in a microcosmic version of that black hole pubic orifice), a glow (like some resident halo -- not unlike the event horizon) offers these near sighted eyes some satisfactory silhouette of firm breasts and the spider lines of dark colored pubic hair pressed against genital area and quite clearly discerned against the tapestry of dainty underwear.


A combination of quick unstilted hula hoop pogo stick jumping motions (perhaps on your part -- since using a contrivance not one of my strengths) unbind this superfluous bit of (barely and hardly) underwear unfettered from your glistening and heaving body.


Momentary apprehension holds me spell bound when right before mine unblinking sense of sight sees a specimen of superb and supreme splendor.


Twelve step program like recovery from this brief hypnotic trance infuses an immediate intoxication to caress, massage, slake thirst and taste those two mammary pendants adrip with beads of liquid gold.


No objection nor refusal takes place (on your part), when i begin to fondle and paw the swollen dam of each bosom still retained in their respective brassiere, which unwanted impediment voluntarily removed to hasten titillating task.


The bare-naked lady chest beckons for me to perform a breaking Benjamin dance with thine male member! With mouth ajar i fall prey to these appetizer and drink in the milky elixir.


While suckling (like some overgrown babe), the loosely dangling hands begin an overt attempt to explore that glade of gastronomic grandeur glistening with gonadal gyrations.


Gentle movements along either side of the upper thighs soon makes contact with that wooly Brillo like pad that leads inside warm, wet whirl a gig world web of wiry pubic hair.

A plus if ye opt not to shear off that tuft inxs of pearl jam in living color kinks.


I carefully rub the outer labia to help learn contours of this foreign territory and also to spur lubrication and subsequent stimulation.


Once adequately familiar with this personal furry fortress, the fingers plunge deeper into this miniature caverns housing goblets of fire where this sexually healthy human hopes to be ushered into the secrete of chamber welcoming my cock in your goblet of ire.


First horizontally and then vertically these dexterous appendages create elliptical orbits over hill under dale in hot pursuit of one or more erogenous zones.


All the while (or even some minutes prior), my sad yet cautiously optimistic looking smallish formerly flaccid weinerschnitzel becomes ramrod hard as a rock and engorged with seminal fluid.


The penultimate capstone of said warm schmuck vasocongested well taut soldier of fortune, scouts out a place (around saturated silken road panties) to penetrate.


Back and forth the this rather diminutive prickly trouser snake i.e. undersized blunderbuss of a male member parries and thrusts (with deep penetrating motions) to create orgasm before launching hormonal secretion into your hot and fiery cauldron and climactic erotic breaking Benjamin erotically arousing atavistic, ballistic, cataclysmic, climactic, elliptic, metallic, narcissistic and orgiastic stock market wall street windfall.


From: Scott Matthews
prefers a clean machine
versus paying a lifetime sans std due
and can attest a clean bill of health to
hoping this email does woo.