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So recently President Putin opened "the vaults" which contained ancient artifacts and images of Christ which depicted him as a black man. Putin stated that he would lead his nation in following "Black Jesus". The book of Revelations chapter 1:13-15 describes Christ as having hair like wool, white as snow, eyes as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass burned in a furnace, (brown/black) which is accurate. Some will say his color doesn't matter but it does. Salvation is of the Jew, short for Judah John 4:22 which are the lawgivers. (Gensis 49:10) Christ was born through the tribe of Judah. The world has been mislead into believing the Jewish State of Israel created in 1948 are the real Jews of the bible, but in fact they are not. They are the descendants of Amalek and Japheth. The Palestinians are the Descendants of Ishmael, one of the sons of Abraham. (Jubilees 20:11-13) Thus making them related or the cousins of the the 12 tribes of Israel who are the sons of Jacob. Jacob the child of promise, is the great grandson of Abraham. I say that to say this. People have purposely been given misinformation, so what else is incorrect ??HHMMMMM and NO, I'm NOT A HEBREW ISRAELITE. Im just an Israelite.
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