Helianthus annuus, heliotropic slow dance

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Stream of photons bathe top heavy fountainhead of sunflower. Analogous to Atlas shrugging, hoisting, grappling... with planet Earth, the heavyweight discobolus buoyantly held aloft upon robust stem tracks the heavenly orientation of said hypothetical nearest star. This immense distance, nonetheless still affects majestic seeded head tracing weighty radial circular motion in miniature, along the ground. Imperturbable rotation evokes invisibly linkedin plumbline stretching approximately 92.96 million miles. This number represents average distance calculated between solar body and oblate spheroid. Greatest (more accurately farthest) interspace separates sun and namesake (scientifically identified inflorescence, particularly called capitulum) during late summer/ early autumn. Said aphelion approximately coincides with full blooming bouquet, which rioting, snapchatting, twittering birds, (who reddit in Daily Sun) immediately golong orderly pecking, kickstarting, buzzfeeding... capital one fancy feast. Nothing but mush shelled husk remains. These gouged out hollowed insides represent most successful plant regarding said species. Oft times newly planted seeds, and/or transplanted shooted seedlings (I bore witness), and watched in horror as tendered, nurtured, kindled... vulnerable inchoate fragile tendrils indiscriminately, gamely easily plucked from ground zero. Willy nilly free for all allows, enables, and provides ample opportunity to observe fair and equitable distribution gifted courtesy cornucopia fulfilling the maws of hungry diverse planetary mouths to feed. Invariably predators harbor taste for unsuspecting oblivious indulgent gourmandizing aves, and quick make short shrift despatching captive bird done deal. Such happens tubby caw of the wild, cuz copacetic, holistic, organic,... paradigm embraced by yours truly steeped within ethos, whereby the mighty heft wielded by Homo sapiens must not signal green light for deadly pesticides to exterminate delicate of world wide web. Despite being one crazy and fungi, I feel him mold dinned to relish resultant morning glory awash with beaming, strapping, waxing... yellow petaled ray flowers offering me an Uber spiritual lyft sining upon countenance of this returning native son, who recently returned from the annual Sunflower festival. Though dwarfed by towering giants, I exalted their storied triumph!