Memoir July 24 Going Underground/House Arrest

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    When growing up and living

in the norththe winters there were brutally

real When the TV weather folks everyday saying

high 25 high 22 its real real Once you hit the outside

yes indeed you feel So my friends my basketball warriors

we played at the recreation at the Y then walk 3 miles home winter

9 oclock at nite Needles feel like sticking your ear lobe no feelings

in your lip hands balled up in gloves  When I gotolder early 20s

the ice the snow the wind the temp dark at 430 we said lets

go underground till Spring So we didnt see each other too often

maybe at store gettin gas cause everybody stay in gone underground

When I moved to SC many many moons ago loved the winters here

much as I loved the summers in Ct but turn around when it hit summer

in SC ah man this suffocated humidty cut with a knife temps always

95 or better feel like temps regurly 100 plus 100 temp drops by too

anytime feel like it like its a walk in the park now here in Sc it aint

going underground here its being under house arrest aint going no where



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