Upon Horns of a dilemma:

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Though bitterness (bordering on rancor) toward me (think sundry squalid unsightly domestic quarters we inhabited and invested with shameful disgust, plus my adulterous inapropos peccadilloes to boot) in tandem with shuttering Microsoft windows when either lass felt inquisitive about how papa (me) frittered away precious time furiously answering and/or personal classifieds. I never forget my recognized loathsome secretive texting, nor repugnant seduction courtesy tracfone behavior. Only natural inclination for children dependent upon their father to learn what inquiring minds wish to know. Incomprehensible to older version of self what cocamamie fiction I convinced... nobody, especially dead give away with curt reactions upon being asked "What are you doing?" reflexive response (mine) shot back with snappy irritation "nothing." I know now that you knew then that that blatant lie got told thru my then real teeth. Time after time secretive unscrupulous antics plainly visible to eldest progeny, whose keen intimation hardened understandable anger against "father."

Between emotional insensitivity heaped together with horrible living conditions bred social network as your safe haven nsync with savoring tasty meal versus what "slop" (even she refers to mixed hodgpodge with said word mother made supposedly edible melange, and upon earliest possible legal age, a severance of frazzled home ties most likely set figurative nose to grindstone to exceed at school, and exit out the door of mister and missus Matthew Scott Harris at soonest best opportunity. Your legitimate attainable goal heartily rewarded with successful academic achievement at University of Pennsylvania. Gifted with smarts, ye befriended a gracious hombre from Puerto Rico, whose steadfast friendship endured rigorous academic regimen at aforementioned Ivy League college.

Twas blessed to meet and mingle (occasionally) with suitable pseudo mate, whose prospect of eternal happiness found papa elated for his eldest offspring (daughter) to recoup some semblance of valuableness since adequate joie de vivre in scarce supply from two grown adults lacking parenting skills.

Thus, how tragic if thee and your beau betook separate paths versus paying duty encompassing lifetime pact of fidelity!

Myself and mother would feel saddened if thee honorable Emmanuel Suarez and inimitable Eden Liat Harris parted ways predicated upon well groomed Puerto Rican young man who felt obligated to pay fealty toward his mother. Cultural mores nevertheless tether (think invisible umbilical cord) ye and upstanding smart fellow toward her, (who begat in part courtesy his papa), he experiences omnipotent bonds bound toward his mother. Though the decision to remain together (after approximately three plus years sharing trials and tribulations) or opt to decouple solely rests between two mature amorous Penn alumni (class of 2019), I and Abby would lament such near perfect counterparts (like two peas in a pod) essentially if one rarely discovered mutual compatible relationship dissolved. Adult choice to keep intact loving vibrant rapport (forged within environment of King's Court coed dormitory - on Sansom Street,) yes? Despite being long winded (yours truly zee papa who disgraced himself and the missus and bored the tears out of anonymous women, whom he no longer writes), the emotion of sorrow would spill forth with genuine tears of grief if irreconcilable differences regarding, where (upon leaving the the Golden State) more permanent residence elsewhere within/without the United States will be chosen.

Once forsaken, your once in a lifetime synchronized togetherness may be difficult if not impossible mission to duplicate, cuz I too recognize near perfect match of mine squandered. No doubt care and concern prevails toward she who bore me two darling daughters. How unfortunate for ye and Shana to witness utter callousness displayed by Matthew Scott during your impressionable years. Hindsight (always 20/20) forces me to admit cruelty and infidelity, (which unfair mistreatment long since ceased) when marital state (mine) marriage fraught upon frayed tenterhooks, particularly during major crisis living at 1148 Greentree Lane.

Nothing within my limited power can undo hurtful misdeeds done dirt cheap by super tramping (cheaply tricking) biological father, who can only volunteer his kudos for surviving a most torturous and harrowing existence, and attaining well earned just desserts topped off with quasi ice cream course of made entirely with vegan ingredients. A capstone acquisition to share promising future would constitute near perfectly matched counterpart, whose person would suffer your desired absence should dissolution of storied (storybook) interpersonal rapport become reality. No guilt meant if perchance fate doth not smile upon permanent union betwixt ye and Emma, nor shame forgoing any condemnation. I got no room to find fault as one long winded message glommed together a mishmash of helter skelter thoughts.

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