The Winner Of the Poetry Vibe March 2014 Poetry Contest Is...

views: 2146

Let me start off my saying hello and being perfectly honest with you. These contests are getting harder and harder to judge and it because of the enormous talent that we have on Poetry Vibe. You have proven your talent consistently as you try to reach the highest honor on the vibe.

We want you to achieve ruby status and with that we want to print your poetry and sell it on the site. This will be a BETA program as we are still workiing out the details.

We believe that you are the best urban poets out there and that Poetry Vibe is the best urban poetry site and we want to have the proof by having the most published poets. The gauntlet is on the table and the challenge is in front of you. We are true poets because we speak from our hearts and that is the one thing that makes all the difference in the world.

I read every single poem enterd on the site period. As I was reading through the poems, I was being pulled in different directions on which was the best entry even with all the different styles out there. That is why we decided to do a freestyle because thats when the poets really shine.

Next contests will be judged by you the poets and the people that you invite to the site via the share and email buttons. I believe in the integrity of all the poets and I want to make sure your voices are heard.

There were many strong contenders and I was pretty clear about who was in the lead for the month of March. And then I read this poem and all of the emotion, the forward push and the backward pull of this poemm completely pulled me in.

The poem that won the Poetry Vibe March 2014 Poetry Contest is (drumroll):

"Do You Know What Today Is?" by G.Moore

This poem felt like a clear direction from an unclear direction with deep felt emotions along the way. This one caught me off guard and gave the poem a three dimensional feel that was easy to see but not see easy to describe. Check out this poem entered by G.Moore, this is a sincere credit to Poetry Vibe and to urban poets everywhere.

One of our poets has entered an article they would like you to read.


Check out some of the poems written by this poet