I Can't Believe How This Video Went Viral
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Dear big booty sister. Yes, I called you sister. Because you are a Black woman. I'm not going to preach. You have every right to celebrate your body and wear what you want. But understand every action we take has a consequence... Even down to the action of picking the clothes we wear. Case in point. Youris hanging out in the street. A disturbed male began following you. All the way to your hotel room (and you let him ... Dumb move). you asked him to stop following you. He responded "shut up " and kept filming. Someone taught you and so many others women that love is attention. It isn't. You have been miseducated. Someone taught you that love means debasing yourself. We have all gone through this stage at one point. But you are grownwoman now. When does your awareness for yourself and your safety kick in? Don't get mad cause you got the type of attention you are calling for.... Smile and offer that man a BJ or a lap dance. Our elders understood the importance of clothing. It defines your image to the outside world. It's the difference between "shut up " and "good morning queen". It's the difference between being dragged down an alley and a brother coming to your defense when another man even looks at you funny. No one will ever look up to you, you will only make a difference to the next penis you encounter... And that will only be for about ten minutes. This is your legacy. You are what we call a "could have been". You could have been great.... A mind warrior. Now you are a booty video on my fan page as the reason why I'm mad today. I hope you have a revolution of the mind. I hope someone shows you this and you begin to understand your power and the greatness in your very DNA. I hope you read a gotdam book on your history and the great queens through antiquity. Go see Selma.. Shyt do something ! With A revolutionary mind and that booty you could have ruled the world. Damn. Signed, The MadMan PS. The sex worker in this video is part of the problem with our community. We see our women emulating this all day. On our tV screens, in our streets and in our schools. This letter is to ALL women who think this shyt is cute. So please don't bother wasting your time telling me she is a porn star. She and her kind are LOST. Mind body and soul. And so are the thousands of women who do the same. And so are the mentally absent men who encourage this shyt. He should have been following herwith a book. She is NOT a victim. You can't be mad when someone treats you how you project yourself. So Stand down feminist mafia and understand Black women must ALSO be held accountable for their actions and bad choices. I want better for my nation and I demand it. The pity train stops here.
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