What we are looking for in the poetry contests?

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I think that everyone wants to know how we score the poems and what ultimately determines how the winner is chosen. It is complicated and then again it really is not. This articles talk about exactly what our thinking is as we read all of the poems for the month.

If there is a theme for the site, you need to make sure that you stick very close to the theme. We want to make sure that your creativity flows close to the theme. We know that there are different kinds of poets out there and you can stick to your style but just do it within the theme.

"We feel that those that are limited by the theme is like saying that a poet is limited by paper because it had four sides.

We believe that poets have power and that powers comes from within. The more you are able to express those ideas of yourself coming out in your poetry, the more it seems to resonate with us. There is something significant about some that reaches deep down and puts it all out on the floor. It is a rich experience.

I cant tell a lie, when you get social with your poetry, it does make a difference. If you hit the share buttons, it means that you are not worried about what people think about you and you tell it like it is no matter who knows you. Sometimes it influences out decision, but creativity trumps everything.

The same thing could be said for comments and more so for the poet that posts the comment. We count all the comments by a poet during the contest month. In essence, that is what Poetry Vibe is all about, vibin with other poets. This counts for the contest period and especially when we are stuck on who should be the winner of the contest.

"When you post a comment to poems, it shows that you are vibin on Poetry Vibe."

When you write poetry, it should come from a place that we cant see but where we long to be. If that is hard to understand, but when we read a poem we understand that it comes from somewhere where we cannot be but we want to be there and we want to understand where you are coming from. You set the scene for us and each word that spilled from your pen took us there and we landed perfectly. We did not want to be anywhere else but inside those words.

After everything is said and done, we just want you to bring it. Tell your story how you want to tell it and let the world feel your vibe. Feel me

One of our poets has entered an article they would like you to read.



Check out some of the poems written by this poet