Finish Last

views: 1139

There are a 100 things going on just in where you live it and that doesnt mean that just because someone is doing something, that you should be doing it too. I know, it sounds kind of preachy. If you think about it, life is a race and it starts that first moment that you take a breath and look out into the world. You are trying to defeat your one true enemy. 

You are trying to be better than you. You are trying to out-excel all of the great things that you did yesterday and the day before. If you think about it, you really dont talk the same than you did a year ago. You know more than you did a year ago so you talk differently. 

You are a product of yourself and you cant let the environment override that. There are things that are going on that you know fall outside of prosperity for you and your hood. When you join in, that is a race to the bottom because you are going further in when you should be trying to find your way out. 

That is not a race that you want to finish first. You want to come in last. You want to finish at the end of all the speculation and the fallen bodies that you have seen or heard of and you want to tell a different story. 

You are the poetry of your neighborhood. The voice that everyone hears and talks about and it fills them with you. You came in last. 

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