Oppression and slave owners

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100 million of ways of Enslavement Enslavement only happens when something is considered inferior and the inferior subject can be used to help accomplish personal or global goals. As soon as 98% of people hear the word slave, they automatically and subconsciously think of physical abuse or something dreadful. Physical slavery is the least used tactic in the world because of a constant fight and rebellion from the slaves, goals take longer to reach, but it is the most sought after slavery in the world subconsciously. To "get" something you have to "give" something, that's really a true statement. Other important forms of enslavement includes Spiritually and Mentally. Mind, body, and soul are the same exact things as Mentally, spiritually, and physically, just worded differently. Mentally and spiritually are the two most valuable forms of enslavement because they control the body(physical) and people have figured out a way to constantly enslave their subjects. Spiritual enslavement is the most powerful because it can stop your supernatural gifts. Your spirit is you, your spirit makes all of the decisions for you, so imagine other spirits controlling it. All individuals are spirits, but when the enslavement of the spirits occurs, that inferior entity is being held hostage until it's freed or begins to rebel. Also religion is a tool that used to enslave our spirits globally, find out the real truth before debating with a person because the truth is always accessible to those who seek it, it's a reason for melanated purposes. Melanin is a superior trait for the mind and body of a person. The world knows this because every created object contains some level of melanin. The Savior of the world was an melanated person, seek truth before debates. It's spiritual warfare so it's not about color at all melanated or not. Free will creates love, while enslavement cause death, hate, and turmoil. Mental enslavement is the most used enslavement tactic because it controls the other two and can get their subjects to willingly fulfill their goals or desires. Just think of an relationship, why mentally enslave the inferior subject, if you don't wanna be in one just walk away and move on instead of just always dictating the subject's life because you know how they will react to their masters and the situations already and you are constantly slaving them for your own purpose.. Last thing, greed and Money controls the Masters. So you deserve punishment. The inferior subjects are Yah's people that was granted free will and was not created for any forms of oppression. It's spiritual warfare. Flesh don't mean anything.... Qadar Dwon'

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