Let's Make Love--Part 1

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Remember when you went on that first date with that special guy or that special girl. Y'all kicked it, got to know one another. Maybe you went to shoot pool one night, went to the movies another. Started seeing each more and more clearly enjoying each other's company. The phone conversations got longer and the hours you slept got shorter. You started enjoying them so much that the attraction between you grew so overwhelming you could not contain yourselves. Eventually you both knew the moment would come to a head where you both wanted to explore each other sexually. But the time spent was just as good. You both knew you wanted it but, didn't want to ruin the moment. So that sexual tension builds and builds and you want to spend every waking moment, and I do mean waking, with that person.

So you both engage in foreplay. Now I'm not talking about the quick 5 minute pre-game event before you engage. I'm talking about real live foreplay. Foreplay that lasts for weeks until you decide to give in to one another. The moment when the man gets into that woman's ear telling her he can't stop thinking about her. When he can't get enough of her soft scent. Telling he cannot wait to see her again or getting her flowers just because it was Wednesday or whatever day he so chose. The moment when she tells him she is intoxicated by his cologne. The time when she stares deep into his eyes letting him into her soul, making herself more vulnerable, beautiful and soft which in turn makes him hard. Not hard as in hard as in difficult. But so hard he couldn't think or run because the blood rushed so fast from his brain and his feet to his manhood. So hard he may just explode but he's patient. Very patient, like a wolf stalking his next meal and she will be his next meal.

They're both so taken in by each other that it is way past formalities and staying true to 90 day rules. Only staying true to what felt so right between the both of them. After nights of drop offs and passionate kisses and being polite and waiting until the time was right, the time was right now. By this time she's so wet she soaked up her clothing and his seats.

They enter the house, still passionately kissing. The tasting ensues as she gets unbelievable wet as he samples what he's been fantasizing about day by day, torturing himself with thoughts of seeing her vine spread open in front of him. He cannot believe he gets to enjoy what she is serving to him. He indulges himself in her feminine scent as he watches her moan and writhe trying to gain control but she is failing at every attempt not to explode in his mouth. So much she tries to run away but his tongue clamps harder and deeper into her and its impossible for her to move. Therefore she is stuck. She reaches orgasm #1. The waves of her climax can be detected on the Richter scale at 7.0. He wants 10 but he wants her to stay awake. As she recovers, she retreats on her knees to take in his bulging, throbbing manhood. At first taste, he tilts his head back in ecstasy as her tongue awakens every nerve ending at his tip. Tempted to cream in her mouth, he proceeds to enjoy her graciously serving him. Saliva drips all over him as he holds on for dear life trying not to erupt all over her lips. But he fails.

--To Be Continued

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