hello, somebody!

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Somewhat of a fool for writing something which i have the audacity to believe someone might just find worthy to read. having difficulty expressing my emotions has for most of my life provided a medium for me to process the gaps of what i imagine to be more or less real from the ideal, from ...what i feel, almost as if there were some choice. i hear voices, spirits in a sense... not in a vocal way but subtle influences inferred from souls i have met ...or not quite yet encountered. so forgive me if you find me to be inclined to wind a story around anything which happens to cross my mind, jumping the tracks of rules of rhyme or not to rhyme... breaking rules of grammar (making the nail beat the hammer). yes, i am guilty. guilty or not, hope the distraction will not overule the successful exchange of ideas trying to masquerade as dreams or tilt the interaction beyond your range ...touching the extreme of what makes you want to scream, ENOUGH! i am neither big or bad, more just a tad resistent to having some idea of what it is, shoved down my throat. losing hope is not how i cope, so forget the dope. let's throw around some ideas of something which we might use to benefit our views ...by intelligent, common sense minds. let us try to see if we might find common ground and use our voices to make some noise to raise awareness to a cause greater than or equal to the blues of our everyday lives and trying to make things right for those of us who are aware of all the faults in the way of things, not so perfect ...and make beautiful choices about how we will deal with and surpass our expectations of showing love for the causes which we care about. with or without drama. never forgetting the Creators wish, it's not so much about retribution ...it's about karma.        

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