TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 31800
contest winner
lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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dear karma part 2



Views: 370

dear karma

i know i wrote you a letter awhile ago asking you if we were cool

im writing again to make sure we're straight

i've been talking to God and i figured i'd ask you too

are you finished getting me back for the things i've done?

the reason i ask is because i met someone and he makes me feel like no one has in a long time

and i figured i'd check and see if we're good before i proceed

i dont want to get my heart broken again

which is why i proceed with caution

treading lightly

checking every corner and over my shoulder looking for you lurking in the background

i havent seen you so i guess that's a good sign

if you plan on taking him away

please do it now

do not allow me to immerse my whole being into him only to have him ripped away

he says everything i want to hear

allow his words to meet his actions

i can't take another broken promise

i rather be alone than to go through unecessary pain

i know relationships aren't easy

there's different kind of pain

not intentionally hurting one anothers because they feel some type of way

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

A letter to karma, I don't get no deeper than this. Awesome!

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