Today is yesterday’s child
and tomorrow’s future
We cannot change yesterday
nor make today tomorrow;
yet, ponder this for just a little while---
rising again is in our culture
So today, we can prepare for stopping
all its murderous pain and sorrow.
Stop me today---unlawfully---
and you will see clearly
not only that Black lives matter---
the communities also care;
no longer shall we cower,
shiver and be denied our life’s reality;
so go ahead fool---
act out the sick fantasies you have
if you so dare…
and you’ll see real ‘boogie men’
coming at after you from everywhere.
Not only have we resurrected
‘the deacons of defense’
but the deaconesses too!
Today’s newly formed
‘missionary society’
has the all seeing eye
focused upon you;
today, ‘leaning on the everlasting arm’
we will do what we must
to claim our just due;
so today, if you fools still think
that you should carry out
what your demonized mind
has willed,
know that with God on our side,
we shall no longer tolerate
our love ones being
daily killed.