hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Love's Light


just different

Views: 223


through the duration in time
we have created a rhyme
finding solace amidst the quest of nature
now is the expectant hour

a pull at the heart will light a spark to what we need to know
love has won yet it also has lost humanities heaviest cost
yet these are desolate times yet we settle for ill faded rhymes
The night sky is dark, the stars
and moon can not be seen, the wind

blows cold over my dark and creepy grave,
The roots grow deep into my coffin of death
the dirt is heavy and hard to breathe under
the weeds grow tall above my tombstone,

my name is not readable my face is
forgotten my body is decayed my soul
is yearning to be joined with my master
but I am afraid of the great light I

have to pass through to get to the pearly gates of heaven.
I lie in the dark solemn slumber
of death and life, in a forgotten world,
A world which I once lived in,

a world that forgot me, my dreams and my undying soul
I am the forgotten one, and it grows
harder and harder for my soul to breathe
yet in the distance a portal a glimmer of light

Love at last appeared out of the duration of its illumination
a beacon of light to a much hurting world in need of hope

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