Throes not, coloring righting blocks for naught
Thoughts fizz, like soda pops in likened brainstorms
Writes glide on blades like ice drops a ways on heated runways
Burning limbs in icy hot to soothe malaise aligning reigns of pangs
It’s all a maze, when hit with a myriad of sun rays ablaze….
Kaleidoscopes’ breach them current event displays insight
Play-by-play on native tongues undeciphered thru travail
Griots’ bound to build on ancestral stories as memory unveils
Messengers sent for commercial breaks, between serial antiquity
Knights to daylight has certainly always been by a pre-arrangement
Same to daze at the Knights in the apex of dark matters of midnights’
Always sways upon mid-days’ hope, understanding presence in answered prayers
Borrowed gifts from under a sun, that is sound around future light tools recovered
Naked babes in mangers or swaddling wraps of saving grace surrounded by danger
The revolution will most certainly never, ever, be televised, yet surely delivered inside
So knowing is half the battle, the hush of the forgotten is the gravest of silent gavels
For all that is and ever will be said or done is bought about in sudden recall imprints
Sent via invent or advent to prevent the look away, mistaking commonality as just another day
Stories of the Whirling Dervish is parallel to knowledge, hypnotic yes, yet as easily forgotten
Who Knows of the lot of the Know Knot?
Solace abides and relies on unfurling the unrelenting dust to dust that erases all that may have known or knows not of their lot…..