2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Knowing Knot



Views: 315



Throes  not, coloring  righting  blocks for naught

Thoughts  fizz, like soda  pops in likened brainstorms

Writes  glide on blades  like  ice  drops a ways on heated runways

Burning  limbs in  icy hot to soothe malaise aligning reigns of pangs

It’s  all  a  maze,  when hit with a myriad of sun rays ablaze….

Kaleidoscopes’  breach  them current event  displays insight


Play-by-play  on  native tongues undeciphered thru travail

Griots’  bound  to  build  on  ancestral  stories  as  memory unveils

Messengers sent for  commercial breaks,  between  serial antiquity

Knights  to  daylight  has certainly  always  been by  a  pre-arrangement

Same  to  daze  at the  Knights  in  the  apex  of dark  matters of midnights’

Always  sways upon  mid-days’ hope,  understanding  presence in  answered prayers


Borrowed  gifts  from  under  a  sun,  that  is  sound  around future light tools recovered

Naked  babes  in  mangers  or  swaddling  wraps of  saving  grace  surrounded by danger

The  revolution  will most  certainly  never,  ever,  be  televised, yet  surely  delivered inside

So  knowing  is  half  the  battle,  the  hush  of  the  forgotten is  the  gravest  of  silent gavels


For  all  that  is  and  ever  will  be  said  or  done  is bought  about  in  sudden  recall imprints

Sent  via  invent  or advent  to  prevent  the look away,  mistaking commonality as just another day

Stories of  the  Whirling Dervish  is  parallel to knowledge, hypnotic  yes, yet as easily  forgotten


Who  Knows of  the  lot  of  the Know Knot?


Solace abides and relies on  unfurling  the  unrelenting dust  to  dust  that  erases all  that may have known or knows  not  of their lot…..

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Excellent scribe

poems by this commentor

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow, 2b2b! Such profound wordplay in scribing true ancestral Griot story telling of ourstory of "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set...[liberate]...you free." I feel so blessed to be living in these times with you and our fellow poetic Griots of today. Scribe on, my Brother; continue to ease our present throes in the struggle. Peace and Love, mlowe
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow, 2b2b! Such profound wordplay in scribing true ancestral Griot story telling of ourstory of "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set...[liberate]...you free." I feel so blessed to be living in these times with you and our fellow poetic Griots of today. Scribe on, my Brother; continue to ease our present throes in the struggle. Peace and Love, mlowe

LP45 says:

..."the hush of the forgotten is the gravest of silent gavels... Drop the mic on this line here. So much is said and revealed in this powerful piece. Thank you for sharing this. Peace.

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