A Bird—A Tree—Allegory…
(Apropos A Sunday Spring Lesson)
Today, I saw a bird in a tree
Reflecting love moments shared
So long—bonding you and me.
What a beautiful spring view
Of this branched moment
God gave to me and you.
Collectively rooted are we;
A single tree with its branches,
Flowers and sweet fruits to be;
A bird in a tree; a symbolic angel
Of you and me—our children—echoed
Keloid memory clangs of our love’s bangle.
To God be the everlasting glory
That we found and molded the pieces,
Our lives free of vengeful pain and worry.
Indeed, how beautiful on a spring day
How God uses a bird in a branched tree—
The sun’s beauty shines love on you and me.
Now, I understand what was once a vague
Weird wonder:
What God has put together, no one can ever
Never put asunder.
Like the bird and the tree, with undying love,
We’re One Together.