write it down before you forget it again I forgot your number because I didn't write it down I forgot your address because I didn't write it down I lost my way on my way because didn't write the directions down I lost my train of thought because I didn't write down what I was thinking I had a good idea but too bad I didn't write it down the thought was fleeting I didn't capture it in time I achieved every goal I ever written down because it kept me on the right track it helped me to stay focused on important matters that matter to me it's easier to think and less stress trying to remember important things it helps me to review how I think it helps me to see where I may have fallen off it tells me what to do when it's time to do it's a manifestation of affirmations "it works" the results can be profound and will astound ideas are for a limited time only they don't stay long like that poem you spoke out loud but forgot to write it down while it was still fresh in your head now it's like beating a dead horse into the ground that won't wake up because it's dead forgetting something important can be a dread and lead to much regret I forgot several times and kick myself in the but every time "I did not write it down"