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In pursuit of the most thrilling
Bone chilling
Fantastic fantasy
...Im lifted and gifted and oh yeah, surrounded by noise. I hear the world inching its way around me...
she laughed
stretched out across the beige carpet of our apartment
my clumsiness always did tha...
Notice… how time moves in waves
Like water at the beach
Slow, until the sand shifts
The mistakes that you make today may seem heavy
But when you take time to relaxand are ready
...Tell me this is real?
Not a dream or the truth, but how you feel
All our time and history c...
When there’s no there there, what should you do?
When love, friendship, goods and services are...
For real, for real, for real, for real?
That’s the cost for just one single pill?!
A new ho...
If I had a horse, that is what I would call it. Black Destiny. It would have an afro on it and be...
I was a prodigy to the world, I was black in poetry as if I ever left. I was stranded in the worl...
so I write
never asking for this cup to be passed to me
but it is my turn to drink of its bitte...
We told the world that it was all about our urban poetry. We had a message and we wanted them to ...
Just Let your LIGHT SHINE BRIGHT, and
MONTH, and
Do i exist in your mind as you are in your quiet space, do you feel my presence in your heart as ...
The thing about asking for the gift is that you have to be ready to accept it. Its as simple and ...
He da*n near twisting my arm and had me leaning at an angle where I was losing my balance. My sol...
verdict etched
in the static of stars
We are fossils
in the making
Can’t be saved
Whose America is it?
The ones who had it
To begin with?
There’s Indigenous blood
In m...
A lot of y'all havent been giving yourself enough credit. You were doing things passively and not...
I loved her
though she wasn't the cutest girl in the neighborhood
couldn't afford to wear the l...
Rudder than trigger, provoke,
incite..., voodoo curse
necessitating emergency visit
not just in time for Valentine's Day
but the remaining days of our lives
as the world turns
at one time
was evil and satanic
then became
it is now
I got back pain from carrying the back strain of a black stain on how the world thinks my history...
out of mind
out of sight
was what you said last night
as the light was turned off
and I walke...
I incorporated you into my life.. despite the distance that might have originally deterred me …...
The one thing I have always tried to do is bring my weather with me, that is when I figured out i...
Doggone poet laureate
wannabe his index finger wags
nonverbally naysaying those,
who dou...
Whenever the missus irks me or complains...
I tell her don't "Hock me in chinik" nor kvetch
Salutations! and then he just punched me in the face. Welcome to the party pal! but this aint die...
penned in poetry and prose and Hallmark cards and letters
texts from places wher...
At some point we all end up in the grave so we eventually bow down to the most high. We live with...
I think we reached the find out part of the phase where we told and now you just have to feel the...
Nothing beats the refreshing
blissful peaceful easy feeling
resulting from shut-eye after
I was burnt like bacon, even around the edges were black. I was walking through the world full we...
I remember there was a time I use to wear braids, I liked the way it made me feel and I was looki...
formerly an abandoned Amazon warehouse went to pot
with mold and magic mushrooms growing in ever...
at approximately
a painfully early o'clock in the morning
give or take an o'clock
found yo...
I’m not a poet
have gone through the rinse cycle
a writer of poems
I wonder what would it be like
if I were a planet in your universe
what if I flew too nea...
He kept staring at me, his eyes looked like blackened cranberries with a mental poverty swagger a...
I had a delayed response, life was throwing bullsh*t at me and for a while I just stood there and...
The Lord is my rest
And until I lay down the rest
I will not rest
until I see the rest o...
("Thus always I cause the death of tyrants.”)
the purported line Brutus uttered
after assassina...
Which acknowledgement ought to be year round,
similar to altruistic, humanistic, and philanthr...
no longer land of the free home of the brave,
original rightful occupants hoodwinked, petrified,...
You are the master of your choices in life
Let the mirror that you see yourself through be the j...
I thought I was almost scared today, I was living a real life scary movie and had to come to a st...
I do not dream of yesterday
when all my troubles seemed so far away
but they are as near as my ...
Though negligible communication
now transpires between us
twenty seven years ago
come February...
Worth north of a trillion dollars,
(plus or minus a billion dollars here and there),
the unname...
I did not think I would be one of the people to save this but you need to stop being nice. Someti...
bending low to the ground
aluminum dustpan in hand
brushing the last remnants of who you
though I yam Caucasian,
tis rightful to honor that most bitter
racist genocidal crime
Location: Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. First held on February 2, 1887 prognostic...
Extant latent forcefields transcend
across avast panoply multitudinous biosphere
scads of div...
Just before logging off for the day,
and ready to boogie out of the joint
an email landed squar...
dry rosemary and regret
a shrine to what we swore
memories a sieve
echoes in an hourgl...
Imagine if ye will
earlier one blustery February sixteenth
two thousand twenty one,
Despite being an amateur
paperback writer wannabe,
whose storied protagonist
stars colporteur ...
The scent of wreaths
permeate the air
a funeral
for truths never buried
petals ~
it may have been just a media ratings boost
when Malcolm said that thing about
chickens coming ...
(any relationship between the following poem and living persons -
namely the writer of these wor...
In this life, any expectation ofachieving anygoal that you may aquire will require you to be disc...
Awareness about behavior,
present since mine days of yore
an unswerving allie analogous
to pea...
Adherence regarding credo
to finish reading arbitrarily
self selected book beginning
to end si...
I stand able, eager, & ready to jump
impossible mission to swallow lump
muscles primed analogou...
in that hip-huggin’ black dress
just lookin’ for me to
lock my arms around your waist