tretre | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Sanctuary In Your Arms:



Views: 412

With open arms you shield me, keeping me warm,

protecting me from the storm.

Wrapped around you the world seems to magically

disappear, time stands still when I'm with you,

leaving moments to feel like years.

My head fights with my heart,

I dont want to let go.....

I dont want this moment to end.....

I dont want to part.

My head close to your chest,

heart beat steady, each beat in tone with the next,

I dont want to leave....

I dont want this moment to end....

Keep holding me safely wrapped in your arms

until I'm ready.....

It feels so right when I'm with you,

but I know at some point I have to let go,

But I dont want to,

Connecting souls through silence is what I want to continue

to do.

Holding me close to your heart I will

find sanctuary in your arms.

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scash102 says:

I feel the love in this one. I love it, connecting souls through silence, this line is deep. I love it!

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