sensation's of the truth | Poetry Vibe
sensation's of the truth
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Once Upon a Time



Views: 373

dedicated to my first long relationship you know who you are!

Sometimes i think of you, of what we could have been but I guess time just didn't see fit, the sense of your essence still lingers in my mind, the tastes of your lips still gives me cravings and sends chills down my spine, the way we made love and your unforgettable kisses and hugs, the time we shared was like magic and I just had to have it, my memories are all I have of you and  it's true i'm still in love with you, Sometimes I think of you, do you every think of me?

By:Sensation's of the Truth, Kim Edwards


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DallasCowgirl says:

Felt it! This is good writing. Thanks for sharing.

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