AyYoKeke | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Instagram: @lovesoulkeke

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Dedicated To My Biological Father



Views: 435

I still remember to this day
How on my 11th birthday
I stood to your face & poured
Out to you all my heart had to say
I cried.
You cried.
I pleaded.
You said you tried
But this addiction was too hard to kick 
And EVERYTIME I heard that 
it made...me....SICK 
When I see you, you still bring up 
This fond memory
Of doing my hair as though
That was the only bond you had with me.
Sad to say, I don't remember that
And if that was you before addiction, Id do anything to bring that back.
Married to the rock & sleeping with
the residue stained glass pipe
holds you back from your full
Potential & making everything right
with your daughter & your son
You say it's a losing war 
But if you truly try, that's one battle won
Sorry is the man who allows another man
to father HIS seed.
And for 25 years, another man has been
a father to this girl in need
of a father to be her guide
He's shown me how to ride a bike,
Was there my first day of school & in him I can completely confide.
One day this man will walk me down the isle & when the minister ask who gives me away he'll say
"I her FATHER do" with great pride.
My children will know you're
Their grandfather, but HE will be
Their "pop pop"
Even when that time comes
You'll still be happily married 
To your crack rock
As a kid, I thought that if I loved you harder
This addiction would somehow go away
But the older I got, the more I realized
That this addiction has you in every way
I hate that it stole my father from me
Maybe one day, I hope we can be in a better place than where we happen to be.
One day, I'll be the one to bury you 
In a suit, nice casket in the cemetery.
Sad thing is, I'll know you six feet under
Just as I knew you in life...
Dead to me. Rest in peace "Daddy".

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scash102 says:

Try to hold your held up, i bet this poem took alot from you as well as you pouring into it. I hope you continue wriiting, pray and that you find peace, seems u found Serenity.

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