scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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just different

Views: 481

Sometimes i feel like im standing still while the world rushes around me on fast forward. Days go by and and you don't realize til you look backand see how fast time flies. I feel like im in slow motion and everyone around me, knows what's going on except me. So many emotions on my chest, worries through my head and memories in my dreams. This life is not what it seems like caged animal in an obscene fake illusion of a natural home to roam and be free. Somethings are hard to explain and some words hold to much pain and sometime its hard to sane when you feel like you're living in vain and its strange cus you want change to happen in your life, you pray but you cant find the words to describe the situation right. Its hard to trust most people , we live in fear knowing they arent our equal, not everyone believes in you and or wants the best for you like you would want for yourself. Its bad that you have to love yourself soo much so to avoid the pain of anyone else. Not saying its wrong to take care of u, but its crazy when you live in a trifling world and all you can trust is you out of fear that someone may betray u. So i sit in silence ,look out the window. Wanting the rain to pour down on me so that maybe ill see a rainbow. What are we living for if not joy before we die and all the things we think make us happy is a deceiving perspective of our eye. Pray until your face turns blue, help everyone on earth and they will still despise you. What can you do when your back is against the wall and you're juggling you're dreams in hopes they dont fall.

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tretre says:

This is deep..Sometimes you have to take care of you before you let someone else in. Even when you let someone else in your worried about being hurt. Very deep poem I'm going to have to share this one. I hope you dont mind. Always keep that pen movin!

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scash102 says:

Thank you for reading tretre. Yea i can agree with you.
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The Immortal Wize says:

Pray until your face turns blue, help everyone on earth and they will still despise you. Hell to the Yeah! Double Snaps

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scash102 says:

Thanks wize, always a pleasure to hear from you. Thank u
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igotastory says:

i really felt ur words in dis one n i feel the same exact way its like u took the words right out my mouth this poem explains everything i couldnt

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scash102 says:

Im happy you read it igotastory.. ;-)

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