scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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A Mother



Views: 481

Not everyone will agree with my views and thats fine cus im not asking you to. I will not be defined by choices, but i know still judged by those who dont have a clue of what its like in these shoes. From dating to my decisions, im expected to live up to certain expectations. Im called a slut for being flirtatious. I have confidence, im proud of me  and for some guys it seems intimidaing.We once shared loved and kisses but that doesnt mean im trying to get him back. The disrespectful names, finger pointing blame and not considered good enough as if i should ashamed. I was deceived by what i thought could be instead of what actually happened. We were together and didnt last based off actions of the past. Im constantly told im strong but there is nothing wrong with wanting to be reassured, and comforted as well as understood. Package deal is what we are labled and tossed to sidelines, we are considered props and used as back up for when the primary loving stops. Our worth is less than shiniest gem and we are bad mouthed in spite of all we do and the food and basics we provide for our kids mouths. Hard to keep jobs or work multiple jobs and everyone wants money, even to the point money is collected down to ones last penny and  the centers who arent understanding or having a giving a damn. Laundry,groceries,gas, clothes, lightbill, cellphone to name a few of those bills we could easily fall behind with and some of us arent lacking for shi$. We don't get credit, we have mothers day but for most of us that's not enough time to get away. We held responsible for all important things until a man decides he wants sah over the little human being. Not bashing either sex jus coming from a mothers point of view, alot of mothers have alot to do. We survive and thrive and do all we can for our kids yet we considered inadequate without the father of our kids. Alot of us try to make a home but we cant control a di** that simply wants to roam. Some of us are trapped by men like men in reversal and when we ask for help, we downgraded. The statistics of single mothers arent always true and you wont know til you are in our shoes.

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Nicely done. Love the way you represent yourself in truth. Powerful and in balance between the reality of what is and not.

scash102 says:

Thank you Charles2 for reading and giving you're Feedback.

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