I promise you to do the best that
I can do in order to glue together
the broken promises that I made to you
the shattering that took trusting me
away from you
I do not know what it will take
or what I will have to go through
maybe it might be too late but
if you would just believe
like the air that you breathe
I will do everything that I can
to refresh your mind about me
not once do I blame you for
doubting me because I was
being selfish and only thinking
of me
as I stand with this keychain
holding the key to a lock that
has been changed
I've been trying to get in
but found that I can't
I messed up because I
didn't think about us
I knew I would drown
but I had to have that drink
It was too late when I started
to feel myself sinking
It wasn't enough because
I just kept on drinking
hoping that you would save me
like so many times you had before
I came knocking at your door
sometimes beating my knuckles sore
you always took me in and everytime
I F'd over you even though you
were my friend
my only reason to be here
is to make amends
I'm dry as a drought but how
can I get in if you keep on
kicking me out