The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 478500
contest winner 16
contest winner
lightness in the dark
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Head in the Clouds


just different

Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 507

like a symphony

 a composition of different



textures and elements

 the nature of something

completely put together


in order for a purpose


following a number


of forces and Parts of harmony

  puzzling mysteries and identities

like notes in a riddle


depicting a limerick or the

 shortest part

of a creatively clever


minute haiku


 sustaining and restraining


the measured


to foil and frustrate


the stream from


down a slope


 into an outcry

 oppressing the motion

into a boil


that steams into


producing a mind


that speaks

 on paper

about the rain


that caused The drought

 and the things

 that one dreams about


heaven being taken away

 from the sky and angels

no longer having


a place to fly

 thunder roaring so loud

that it scared the rain


 back into the clouds

  for crying out loud


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warneraliyah says:

👏👏 I like

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mrmelody7 says:

Always on point Sir Wize Dom
Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Love this! This is my kinda poetry. My head is often in the clouds...This is going on my favorites also. Thanks for taking my mind to another place. Always keep that pen movin WizeDom!!!!

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scash102 says:

Im feeling floaty... Lol. Great poem indeed.
Contest Winner  

KingQadarDwon' says:

Nice!!! Great mind..

wesnesby says:

daaaamn, pimpin pimpin pimpin. That was cold

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