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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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If You Could Be A Fruit:



Views: 437

If you could be any fruit in the world what kind

of fruit would you be? If it's hard to tell, lets just name

a few and see.

Would you choose a strawberry? Sweet  yet sometimes

sour, something tastey to devour?

Would you choose to be a pomegranate? 

very complicated and difficult to get into

when all said and done in the end its worth it, to 

get to know you.

Would you choose to be a pineapple?

kinda harsh on the outside, but very sweet on the inside,

something edgy and cool.

Would you choose to be a cherry?

always full of potential, mixes well with different 

flavors and styles, delightful and tasteful.

Would you choose to be an apple?

versatile and can perform well in different

situations,  in a team,or alone you create

an interesting theme.

Would you choose a passionfruit?

doing your best when you thrive under pressure,

can take criticism from those who haven't had a chance

to enjoy you, always passionate about what and who you

are no matter what you do.

Would you choose to be a banana?

you have a soft center, yet an excellent taste to others,

a thick skin, yet you never change, you stay the same

all year around.

Would you choose to be a lemon?

tough on the outside, sour on the inside, but

can compliment different things, you can stand

alone, you can be sweet but it takes some work,

from the right person.

Would you choose to be a pear?

easily bruised, have a few seeds to get around,

but fairly enjoyable.

If you could be a fruit what kind would you be?




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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Passionfruit for a 100 tretre

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Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Interesting poem huh? I thought I would compare us to some fruit...I think it's an interesting out come. I'm a passionfruit myself..Thank you for showin love WizeDom :)

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mrmelody7 says:

Fruitful revelations, going with the fruit of the cactus plant, hard and dangerous to get too, gotta work to get a cactus fruit

scash102 says:

I don't know about a specific fruit,i can say I'm probably a fruity salad all except soggy Bananas they make me gag this poem though..

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