scash102 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 27900
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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just different

Views: 523

Im me, no excuses apologies, and no im not being y. Not a model or groupie, not plastic or star gazing. There are many words that describe me, good and maybe bad for some but im not sorry. I always try to be me, unique, different and no copies. Im artistic, realistic, amazing, leave alot of people speechless and heavy breathing. Im not going to go through my life history, i don't need an introduction my Poetry does it for me, simple and sweet poetry is about enough to describe poetry and i live through poetry.

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PoeticallyGifted says:

Oh god im in love with that last part. "im poetry and i live through poetry." very meaningful.

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scash102 says:

Thank you poeticallygifted for reading and enjoying my art.

PoeticallyGifted says:

No problem.

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igotastory says:

I love dis one , I enjoy the confidence you show of being ur true self and not being sorry about it. its speaks inspiration to me

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scash102 says:

Thank you igotastory, for reading. I love Poetry but it makes me feel even better to inspire others. Glad you stopped by and enjoyed my work.
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hymnagen says:

I dig the message! Time spent trying to be other than yourself is time wasted.

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