CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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double take



Views: 276

Looking in that rear view mirror...

Things keep getting clearer and clearer...

But as I sit on this rock...

arched and showing off this hot body...


I know I said I loved you...

But here is the truth...

I loved the idea of you...

While I was on the hunt for the "one"...


I never needed us...

you broke my trust...

now I am releasing my true beauty...

my photographer is making it an everlasting memory....


I have it all...

You only look like a fool...

I am sweet, I am beautiful, I am honest,

I am full of love, lust and I know how to make the best of every moment...


As you look at me...

In the string bikini...

I hope you remember...

at one time I would have given anything for you to be my lover...


Now my body is aching...

and it's yearning...

no not for you....

the man who stands behind you...


He knows what it means to untie the strings...

he sees what is beneath them...

Wishing for a different reality...?

While he catches me, and promises me everything...


Just wait until you see the photos...

The term a picture is worth a thousand words...

I think I got that covered...

but not much else was ;)....


Keep on looking...

I don't mind the staring...

your eyes they follow and linger

And watch me fade...

Your Greatest Mistake...

If it's needed try a double take...

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