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Andreia (Greek word for courage and honour)



Views: 415

When you’re in your darkest hour, don't give in.
Think positive, easy to say.
Easy to do, I don't think so.

Be angry that's ok.
Just don't react that's your enemies way.

Stick with me kid, I will help you through.
So when you're down read these verses through.

I hope you can relate to what I say.
I hope it will help you through.

It's not for my ego I can assure you of that.
It's just a way of paying something back.

I've got a second chance and with both hands I take it.
Though life is strange I hand you that.

Life is a game that we must all play.
When you think you’re on top.
It will bite you back.

It will knock you down and trip you up.
But stay positive and proceed to go.

Collect some money on the way.
But a wrong throw of the dice.
Will see it thrown away.

That's life though, I'm sure you know.
Just be true to yourself and have a go.

Your enemies will come and go.
But take some advice and you will keep your eternal glow.

Look around you once in a while.
And you will know the score.

If you hit rock bottom it's hard to smile.
Welcome to my world, I may help you back.

I'm not the strongest person I know.
I still cry sometimes at the pain that grows.

I can beat it back with the ANDREIA inside.
So can you if you let the demons go.

I'm not a preacher I've just seen some dark places.
But I'm back stronger than before.

Courage and honor will see you through.
I hope these words can be some use to you.

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