CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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rounding all the bases



Views: 280

caught in a lie

now he claims tongue tied

drew the line

No need to cross the t's or dot the i's


Everything is crumbling...

painted black and blue...

All I asked was to to feel...

the thrust of the thrill...



He said he wanted the simple life...

he is still living in black and white...

I am in the modern times...

moving faster then dirty dancers...


I want to a night to remember...

and a good sense of imagination...

the ball is in your court...

what do you have planned for dessert...



he says I am a baseball player...

Let's see how far he goes...

He thinks he is my savior...

let's see if he lasts to round the bases...


Not picky...

Not easy...

Just know what I want...

Watch out I might be pulling your number...


Good date door number one...

Great date the door slams...

Anything but loud...

hope you came prepared...


I feel dizzy...

I have just ended the cravings...

I think he will come back for seconds...

He got lost in my little frenzy....


I knew those jeans...

Looked better on me than on the shelf...

But he ripped them up...

he was after what was under...


Great date...

great movie...

bam bam...

He hit the grand slam!

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