Lace | Poetry Vibe
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Model of a Man



Views: 262

When my heart beats broken

He accommpanies it with compassion

And when my soul sings love

He strikes the chords of my hope

Built up, broken down, bruised and battered

By running those sweet somethings

Over the ivories of my past

When he said he never imagined that this would last

When he told me that he was a lost boy

In a grown man's frame

Made of stained glass

And his eyes are more than just windows

They are portals of life and time

Never could they be explored in one

Lifetime, one time he told me

That his daddy was a glassmaker

That's why his heart doesn't break

It shatters

A million pieces of a reflection

Looking back at him in disappoinment

Does it make him less of a man

If tears sometimes escape from his eyes?

If he wants to do more for his family

Than  pay child support to provide

Wanting to live life

Not just survive

Does it make him weak

If his girl sees him cry

Would make him any less Than God's first portrit of himself

If she wipes the tears from his eyes

And he tries, so hard to pave his own road

So he won't walk in his father's shadow

But his cement turns to quicksand

Quicker than he can pray for wings

So suicide sings to him every morning

And he runs these streets in all black

Mourning the last heartbeats of his hope

Playing Russian Roulette with these girls

ing back their virgin souls

Pulling the trigger of temptation

Shots of lust fill the air

Trying to empty his pistol into any female

And run

Leaving him defenseless so he doesn't

Feel so guilty

Knowing he can't face her heart

After the rising of the sun

Because hee's witnessed love kill

His father's imprints of love engraved

On his mother's skull

Candy hearts dancing down the side of her face

Creating a crimson halo around her head

Dying those silk black threads of her mother's repeating history


Beauty takes her last breath

Still loving the beast

Leaving a lost boy's heart to grow cold


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Brilliant Write....Tight Capture....eventhough I read 2nd part first, its still Flows....Bravo...thanks for sharing.....ONE

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