tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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His Battle With Depression:



Views: 463

He always had a smile upon his face, he often made

others smile to help get them through their day.

But no one knew what he was truly hidding behind that smile,

No one knew that he had been battleing with depression for awhile.

When I would ask him how he was doing, his reply was always

"I'm good" now that I think about it, I wish he would have come to me

I would have understood.

I often think back to the time when he told me "No one cares,

no one truly likes me, despite the smile I have on my face,

I'm battling a monster deep inside me.

I explained to him that he was an amazing person, and how he was

my good friend, but I don't think that was enough in the end.

I woke up one day to find out that he took his own life,

he had shot himself in the head that following night. 2 days later his

mom found a letter addressed to me, I was afraid to open it, afraid of what  I might read.

His letter stated I'm sorry I can't take it no more,

I just want it all to go aways and be the person I was before.

Everday is really tough for me, I'm sitting here sad feeling like

everyone hates me, I just want to pull the trigger and forget about


my heart was torn, I wish I could have helped him,

I wish I could have done more.

Every one of us has battled with depression at some point in time,

it's a battle that's deep inside that can take you down at any time.

If you are feeling depressed don't befraid to talk to someone

even if its a loved one.

If you feel like you have no one to talk to, always remember that

there is someone out there who truly loves you despite how you might

feel, there will always be someone who loves you and that love is real.


Dedicated to my dear friend "E" R.I.P


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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

So true.....the deception is being convinced that love cannot possibly be present....Heart Felt Share tretre....thanks for sharing.....ONE
Contest Winner  

tretre says:

Thank you 2b2b2!!!!! This poem really meant a lot to me.

love_supreme says:

Excellent write

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