Go BiG oR Go HoME <3
by Cindy Renee Soto on Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 12:39am
How fast can your life change?
They say it can happen in a snap...
If you choose to rearrange it...
Instead of waiting begin to clap to it...
Within hours...
All you thought that was...
Can vanish...
all your worries may perish...
The decision is haunting...
But he offers you the answers, oh so taunting...
he promises light...
from darkness...
don't know what to expect...
this decision will you regret...
I think we all could use a little more adventure...
he sees stars in my eyes, if not he is the world's best actor...
Walking by...
We hear people sharing their own works of poetry...
I can top that with one of my intimates...
Wants me to recite one of favorites...
Our conversation dims my halo...
When he knows I just want some mambo...
He Listens to everything...
What does that mean anyway...
The rules, I don't know...
I just know he wishes my clothes were made of velcro...
He speaks of his plan of action...
He hopes to fix all the broken...
Focuses on business...
but with me it's easy to lose focus...
I wont be another business transaction...
but I can cause your revenue to soar, are you driven...
to raise it by the billions...
try finding me again amongst a half a dozen...
Go big or go home...
You can't find a girl like me, at random...
you can hold me for ransom...
all locked away in your dungeon...
We are who we are...
accidents happen...
but what if it wasn't...
see how quick it all can change...
make your move...
and you too can float above...
I get up on that bench...
And dance my legs you begin to clench...
you are dying of thirst...
My lips you desire to quench...
the night is coming to an end...
now it's time to pay the valet...
a night to remember...
kisses me good night, and whispers...
"Go big or Go HOME!"