2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Views: 458

Gazing past our shells of formality

Burying why(s) as the need to answer

Romancing more than body thoroughly

The greatest novel written by GOD is We!

As in such discovery is to bask in lovely

Coming thru in 3D dimensionality like

A pop-up book assures seeing is believing

Achieving love of self by reading fully….

Understanding your historical parchment

As I clearly see and decipher the prose of you

No more do I pine and assume off supposedly

Knowing the cauldron, in fact possessing the recipe!

Illiterate, we couldn’t commit such spiritual blasphemy

As the wars of knowing are disarmed by transparency

Lasting in our lives, like ageless redwood trees rise

Designed to touch and give life back to our environs

Exposed and naked, yet unashamed We all sustain

A Garden of Eden, where 2b covered is the only prohibition

Understanding biology in flora and fauna, 2b compared with celestial

astronomy and of course diagnosing inward and outward working psychology

As the universe is a book to enjoy without prejudging….as we all exist as books with no coverings!

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