TwistedInk | Poetry Vibe
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The Switch



Views: 387

Looking in this mirror I see a person I don't even know

She has my face

Her mouth and nose are mine

the fullness of her face belongs to me

But her eyes

Her eyes are not mines

I can't figure out if the fire in her eyes smoldered out

Or if its burning brighter than ever

Have I lost myself

Or came into the person that I was always meant to be

Is it a look of determination or a look of pure failure

She is like a game of poker

and the winner takes home millions


She has her cards so close to her chest

I wonder does she even know what she is holding

Has all my rash decision

Made my inner self not trust me

Has she given up on me

and decided to take over from here on out

Have I lost control

And then I look again and I see myself

My mind is playing tricks

Have I lead with my heart so much that my brain started keeping secrets

The brain doesn't trust the heart so the heart is left out

She caught me looking and she closed the door

And I realize she has a plan that I am not supposed to know about just yet

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