HymnAgen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Pen wouldn't move til now Current eventz got me feelin some kinda way

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Love and Lust



Views: 547

In my life there's Love and Lust,

but they're not one and the same.

Lust calls my name

the way Love used to call it.


Now all in all, if left up to me,

I would definitely choose to be in love,

but I love Love from a distance you see,

‘cause that's the way Love wants it.


Undauntedly, I have chosen to stay in lust

because it ain’t like I don’t like it.

It is a tight fit,

but I know it ain’t the right selection.


In other words, no love connection

will ever be between me and Lust.

So I’m in a constant state of disgust

From knowing I’m violating Lust’s trust


‘Cause I can see Lust falling

into something that actually isn’t real.

Knowing damned well I won’t give to Lust

the same thing that Lust is beginning to feel,


And I know it’s wrong letting Lust string along.

I know it’s wrong watching Lust let these feelings form,

‘cause I know it’s wrong.

I know it’s wrong.


And I know it’s wrong, but if Love comes along

at the right time – without a doubt, I’m gone

like dust in the wind

leaving Lust's head in a tailspin free falling and about to crash


dreaming about what might have been but wasn't.

And yeah, I know that doesn't seem fair,

but neither is me being stuck giving in to lust

when love is just too damn near for me to ignore.


Visuals and Audio Link @ http://headroominations.blogspot.com/2014/08/functiond-s-id-var-js-fjs-d_9.html

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sensation's of the truth says:


DallasCowgirl says:

And I continue to find these gems... I think I might share this poem if you allow me to, bro.

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hymnagen says:

Feel free. I appreciate the luv UnderHisWings7

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