PoeticallyGifted | Poetry Vibe
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been gone for about 5 months. ive written a lot. but i felt compelled to share my new piece "The Heart's Deception".

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Suicidal Pt. 4 (i'm back)



Views: 347

here i am
consulting you once again
now a days you seem like my only friend
on you i depend, i have to write this, let me grab a paper and pen
im tired of having to pretend-
like im happy all day
walking around with a smile on my face
its such a disgrace that i feel this way
because every night i have to yell thoughts of anger and hate into my pillow case
i spend nights and days trying to contemplate 
why these thoughts and feelings dont away
as a child all i had to worry about was what to play
now i start stressing over things as soon as i awake
reflection, thanks for paying attention
speaking to you gives me a small sense of direction
i no longer have any bad intentions 
nothing seems to go right, i cant even  listen to others suggestions
i cant even face my regrets and-
i just seem to be losing it slowly but surely
anyways thanks for listening to my story

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warneraliyah says:

If suicidal is how you feel I say find a new way to deal take yourself we all feel hurt because of life not right I'll be the first to say I'm not going down without a fight, you should not either as you have so much talent as a writer put that dark energy into something brighter I to am going through so much things that is tearing me down but if I take my life I won't be able to live when things turn around life will always get you down but you got to laugh at life like it's a clown so when you arise from the ground everyone everyone who you talk bad upon on you will looking down so kill those suicidal thoughts and into survival thoughts

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DallasCowgirl says:

Keep writing. You never know how beautiful and life-giving your words are to a stranger. Keep strong.


love_supreme says:

I like this poem.

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