CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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what is your flavor?



Views: 344

What's your Flavor? <3
by Cindy Renee Soto on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 3:31pm

This feeling inside...

A feeling of misuse...

and abuse...

Is what I think of when I think of you...


Used to be more than a dead beat...

Always there for me, even after the worst defeat...

To hold me up, on my first bike ride...

You were there even when I tried to hide...


You were my coach, my trainer...

Your hugs have always been my favorite...

I wonder where I might have been...

Had you never been there...

From the beginning you left...

Not in mid sentence...


You are broken inside...

This you cannot deny...

Pour another...

Rum has become your flavor...


I love the way you lie...

it's as if you have been cut of from feeling,

you just want an escape, anything is better than reality

how may more sips can you endure...

this isn't your time to give up, or die

it's your time to live...

With the roll of the dice...

You may soon pay the price...


What then shall become of you...

Will you be there for me...

On the day I will be draped in white...

The day you are supposed to give me away...

when I bring a child into our lives one day...

Will you be there to bring in the new year...

Or will you be gone, buried...


Stay with me...

I know what it means to love...

You will no longer be unheard or unseen...

My love is wider than any ocean...

And brighter than the sun and the moon...

The amount of hurt could never compare....

Trust in me...

I am your little girl...

And you will always be my world!

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