warneraliyah | Poetry Vibe
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Care for your WHO (WHO is Symbolic)


Views: 394
Don't mean to be nasty but I gotta stay true these women are forgetting the importance of their WHO giving it up so fast that once he hit it he's through you don't mind because he is giving you a piece of his time so your mistaken sexual relation for the real thing but once he gets bored  and feeling overdue with you there always a new WHO to jump onto not caring enough for your WHO and it cleanliness  shaving it to make it appear to be fresh and new but once he down there and notices your WHO ain't what it is supposed well you get the clue friend after friend have familiarized themselves with your WHO talked about it all around town your WHO is burning to the ground round after round now you must cary a beautiful why out of your WHO and how can you live with your self after bringing something special out of  WHO knowing the torture it has been through, never let a man dictate your WHO for you are in control without your WHO what would he do, he is weak without it I don't doubt it make him yearn for your WHO so when you feel like he is the guy for you it will be special Instead of it just being any other WHO

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Ak rio says:

This is awesome I like you're style

DallasCowgirl says:

Apprpriate delivery and very real! Thanks for sharing.

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