tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Open Your Eyes (Appericate Life)



Views: 316

We often live our live's in hope we make it to the next day,

oblivious to what's happening in our face, we live each

day not knowing our fate.  People are being killed because of their

faith, people are being killed based on the color of their skin,

this is the world we now live in.

We take for granted how precious life really is,

The recent killing of Michael Brown is only one example of how 

we can be here one mintue then gone the next,

The killing of this young man is only one example of how

precious life really is,

he is only 1 of 4 black males killed the past month,

We need to open our eyes and take life for all it's worth.

Some of us live our live's worrying about small things, some of

us do things that could easily end our life,

some of us make decisions in which we wish we could

have thought twice, now you end up paying the price.

We all must appreciate life while we are here,

it only takes seconds to lose what we hold dear.

We all must be aware of what's going on in the world today,

We are never promised tomorrow, so we must live with

apperciation each and every day.

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mrmelody7 says:

Cant really add more to that nothing but pure fact., I have all ways said The Creator did not create us to be like the animals of the wild, to stalk, slaughter each other, lets hope folks take heed to your words

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