TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 31800
contest winner
lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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Pity Party



Views: 396

i'm having a really big celebration

a formal get together everyone is invited

i'll be speking at this event

giving everyone a dose of my reality

making you feel sorry for me

a big ol pity party just for me

letting everyone know why life isnt going right for me

dishing out every excuse for why i havent succeed

but hopefully you wont see it like that

youll be on my side

hoping i'll one day get my big break

thinking how did i manage to survive ths long with the odds stacked against me

some people will sense my stinch and attempt to disagree

i have a number of sad stories that'll pull at their heartstrings

if i put as much thought into building something stable i'll probably be somewhere else

instead of standing still with my arms streched out waiting for all of my neccessaties and dreams will fall from the sky achieved

allowing me to reap the benefits with no blood sweat or tears shed

im living in a fantasy

nothing in this world is free

especially when you havent worked for it

 somewhere someone is paying for it

i end up paying the most expensive price that can never be repaid and thats with time

time i've wasted looking for a easy way out

a hand out

more than a helping hand

im cutting everyone off

i have to do this for myself

proving to myself i am more than i believe myself to be

more valuable than i portray

a diamond in the rough who still needs some refining

this journey that im on will reveal the strength in me to truly know what it means to succeed

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Excellent.....Write On....ONE

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