sensation's of the truth | Poetry Vibe
sensation's of the truth
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Black American



Views: 542

understand that I write poetry too give my people a voice and choice.


Land of the gritty, home of the slave, land of the needed, home of the misbehave, America, the good old US of A, that's what they say, but I guess life was destined to be this way, enslaved by the Systems, Dame did I miss something, thought we were equal but I forgot I have pigment in my skin and I guess that's my sin, the fight against racism I don't think we'll ever win, yes we've won the countless battles but we will never win the war, because we're too wrapped up in all ways, mindless zombies and modern day slave, letting the system sale us a dream, you never have to work! here's GR, SSI and AFDC, Give us your kids and sit them in front of the TV, let us raise them with 106 and park, MTV and BET, have your kids lost and mentally confused, no wonder we are going extinct, open up your minds and think, there is more to life than what you see and this is my final plea! If you haven't heard anything I said then the words I just spoke were in vain, and like Perry Mason in a court room you can't handle the truth!


By: Sensations of the Truth, Kim Edwards




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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Much Truth.....Tight piece....ONE

sensation's of the truth says:

thank you.

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Dayum! I think I hear some feelings getting hurt. Much respect

DallasCowgirl says:

Thought provoking!

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