Our road lies ahead
like a ribbon unfurled.
Four wheels beneath us,
our day to day world
shrinking to a dot in my rearview –
Our westward vector
breeding anticipation.
Thirty-six hours
to our destination
where stars are visible
in the night time sky.
Some friends query, “Why?â€
I no longer fly.
Because I’d miss all of this
from five point six-
eight miles high,
at subsonic speeds.
And life is too short
with no guarantees.
So with our faces awash
in tangerine hues
at the death of the sun
and rebirth of the moon,
we sample tunes
from each town we pass by.
I’d miss all of this
thirty thousand feet high
But what I find most pleasant
is my woman’s presence –
The fact that she’s here
beside me to share
in this fleeting moment
in time. Our minds cleared
by city lungs breathing
in country air,
and I can't enjoy
that from up there.
Visuals @ http://headroominations.blogspot.com/2014/08/road-trip.html