CiNdAEy | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 303

Could you whisper in my ear...

All the things you want, never mention fear...

Would you want me here...

Maybe farther down there...


We can make it a fantasy...

This body is quite the delicacy...

Like a rare diamond...

You found me skydiving...

All that is left to do...

Is climb on over,

you know what I want to be true...


I roll around...

you hope to never leave home bound...

Wrap me up...

tie me down...

I am ready for this melt down...

don't let it be another let down...


Squeeze me I can be your stress reliever...

Hold me...a little tighter...

Pull in, forward...

closer, and closer...

I could be yours forever...

want to do this again,

the night after...



We can roll the dice...

hoping for all that is nice...

but you and I,

is what is right...

We share passion...

in just the right fashion...

you asked for a bow...

but what you don't know...

is that's all I have baby....

nothing left to cover...

bring it on...what you have to offer...

Wanna be my lover...

Good news...

Search is over...

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