InTHEshadowz | Poetry Vibe
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Its been a long time... Inspire this mind of mine

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Short yet sweet



Views: 458

Fiire iin my eyez when ii look at ur piicture,

Diisliike and love combiined iin a miixture,

Ii love u stiill and iit fustratez me because u left me alone,

Not thiinking wat iit could do to my heart,my soul,

1st tiime was a miistake ,2nd tiime iim a fool,

Repititiionz are the worst but ii was so lost iinto u,

Our tiime apart, i couldnt seem to forget,

Thatz how ii knew there was somethiin abt us that was so closely kniit,

I saught out to fiind u , to put my miind and heart at ease,

But for wat?, cause ii only ended up once agaiin hurtiing,

Feeliing diispleased ,

Stuck ponderiing, was iit really me?,

Or was iit her selfiish wayz ,

That made her fade,

Or was iit US , as a joiint effort ,the lack of patiience ..we just couldnt waiit..,

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sensation's of the truth says:

Bravo!!!!!! loved it.

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Intheshadowz says:

Thank u ❤️🌹💋 i appreciiate the love

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