CdavisL100 | Poetry Vibe
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Am I crazy


just different

Views: 344

Doctors tie me down
they wanna check me into the asylum
Many say I've lost my mind
but I say I'm just not ready to go and find them
I'm them
That's right
Characters of insanity
imagine meeting me
a man of multiple personalities
because one night I was tired of fighting with myself
and that's when I decided
that I was gonna be somebody else
Hey calm down
relax and take these pills
You're clearly living in a realm
were things aren't actually real
Yes they are
and they'll be coming back soon
but I think we'll fit nicely in this plush padded room
Straight jackets
white moons
strapped in and I can't escape
Bouncing off a world that they wanna erase
Drifting out in orbit
already believing that my mind has enough space


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