InTHEshadowz | Poetry Vibe
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Its been a long time... Inspire this mind of mine

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Views: 431

She lookz at me ,ii look at her..,

A smiile appeariing on her face,

One that could mean many thiingz,how could ii translate?,

In my miind ii undress her,my lust takiing me under,

Awakeniing thiis dark siide of me that was iin deep slumber,

A siide ii choose not to use because shez poiison to my beiing,

Knowiing ur not a gurl ii wont be "seeiing",

She doeznt care cuz all she needz iiz one niight iin ecstasy,

One niight of total release,

Then back iin the cage of darkness, to once agaiin fall asleep,

A humbled soul,loviing the siimple thiingz iin liife.. Thatz wat ii choose to call "me",

One niight standz are of the past,somethiing real iiz wat ii seek.. Wat ii need,

My temple iiz of the most sacred,so ii must protect iit from the wolvez who pass theiir tiime devouriing,

Never satiisfyiing theiir hunger,

Cause theiir soulz are on empty,who they bed iiz just a number,

Breakiing eye contact wiith that certaiin female,

Regardless iif iim mesmeriized by her detaiil,

Ii pull back , cause ii know shez not wat ii need..,

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Devonte7638 says:

Lust. A complicated thing

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