Rememberiing those restless niightz,
Of acknowledgiing hurtful factz about my liife,How ii let ppl stay longer then need be because of loneliiness,A loneliiness attaiined because of sociietyz iillness ,Whiich iiz called beiin "diifferent",Blended wiith "them" wiith such garmetz,Yet iit ddnt hiide the uniiqueness,I was alwayz the one that cared when they ran around careless,Actiin fearless,When iit was priide that drove them to do iit,So who iiz truely wat?,Sociiety iiz fiilled wiith fakez iin the liime liight,The onez iin the dark are the onez who need to be gloriified,For they are the braiinz ,the art behiind wat iiznt riight,Yet they hiide ,Cuz sociiety potrayz them to be freakz ,Bliind to the truth, dont u see?,Comfort bubblez should be shaken,Riipped apart and aten,We need more truth iin the world,theatriicz, and rehearsed liinez no more,Power to the real people,Thy be true to onezself demiishez personal eviilz,Never feel weak cuz of wat u choose to speak..